There is no TIME for downtime

Infoodsys is focused on inspiring and empowering Culinarians everywhere to exceed all challenges. They have tremendous resources at their disposal, but they face an acute scarcity in one critical area: TIME. The Recipe App will produce instant results, instead of riffling through complicated steps. One framework, one process

Cloud Based

Access your recipes anywhere with our web app, compatible with most devices. You can also export your recipes to any device as a PDF file.

All-in-one platform

Multi-functional workbench where you won't need to leave the page. Don't spend unnecessary time with overwhelming information.

Nutritional Analysis

Get nutritional content of your foods and food products. The process is performed through a variety of certified methods.

Cost of Goods

Get recipe costs by portion with the ability to calculate yields (AP/EP) automatically. Instantly manage profit margins.

Food Safety Information

Get real time identification of HACCP, with critical limits and corrective actions. The gluten and allergen identification will help you meet FDA labeling requirements.


We have an extensive database with new ingredients added frequently. Contact us if you're missing an ingredient and we'll take care of it!


There are no manuals, techie jargon or complicated handbooks. It is a simple application yet powerful enough to handle complex tasks and meet compliances. We have transferred the time consuming and labor-intensive technology to a simple and friendly application.

In “The Glass Cage”, Nicholas Carr writes about the substitution myth: “A labor-saving device doesn’t just provide a substitute for some isolated component of a job or other activity. It alters the character of the entire task, including the roles, attitudes, and skills of the people taking part.”

Get Cooking!
We have a great plan at a great price.

New members get a FREE TRIAL period of 7 days upon sign up. You can later pay for a subscription to continue using our application.

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Free Trial


  • Full Access to our App
  • Unlimited Recipes
  • Unlimited Courses
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Yearly Subscription


  • Full Access to our App
  • Unlimited Recipes
  • Unlimited Courses
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